Installing Behind a PROXY SERVER:


If you click on the "Install" button and then see one of the following windows, you are probably being blocked by a proxy server:
Cannot Start Application: Application download did not succeed. Check your network connection, or contact your system administrator or network service provider. Imaginality Unleashed (Prerequisites) Setup: An error occurred while downloading a requisite file. You may retry downloading the file or cancel setup.
To confirm, click on the "Details" button - somewhere in the text it should say "The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required".

You may also notice a problem when Imaginality is installed and you click on the "Application Online Update" in the "Setup" tab - it will say "Unable to contact server".


We use Microsoft 'ClickOnce' to install and automatically update Imaginality. Unfortunately 'ClickOnce' in .NET2 doesn't always work with proxy servers. Microsoft released a HotFix for this, but it does not always work.

This problem only interferes with installation and automatic updating. It does not interfere with logging in or downloading new modules.


If you are having these symptoms, you will have to install the software manually:

NOTE: If your proxy server also prevents you from downloading .exe and .zip files, then download the .exb and .zib versions and rename them to .exe or .zip respectively.

Option 1 - much easier, but a bigger (~33mb) download:
  1. Download the following zip file: (33mb). If your proxy server also prevents you from downloading zips, then download the following file: Imaginality_Setup_2_0_0_1.zib and rename it from a .zib to a .zip
  2. Unzip this zip file, retaining the folder structure (right-click, "Extract All...").
  3. It is important that you restart the computer before continuing (unless you can confirm in Task Manager that the process "Dfsvc.exe" is not running).
  4. Run "setup.exe", and agree to everything that needs to be installed.
Option 2 - more manual, but may reduce downloads:
  1. Make sure the .NET Framework 2.0 is installed by using this test. If it is not installed, install it. This is best done through Windows Update -> Custom -> Optional Software downloads. Alternatively, you could try downloading it manually (23mb) and running it, however, your proxy server may not let you download .exe files.
  2. Download this HotFix (.exe, 1mb) (or as a .exb and rename it). There is more information about it here. It is important that you restart the computer before running this HotFix (unless you can confirm in Task Manager that the process "Dfsvc.exe" is not running).
  3. In theory, you should now be able to successfully click on the "Install" button on the parent page, but if it still fails, then you will have to continue these manual instructions.
  4. Download the following zip file: (3mb) (or as a .zib and rename it).
  5. Unzip this zip file, retaining the folder structure (right-click, "Extract All...").
  6. Run 'Imaginality.FrontEnd.application'.

NOTE: This will install the software, and allow you to log in and download modules. However, if the Microsoft hotfix does not work, then automatic software updating over the internet will not work.
If you want to update the Imaginality software, or Imaginality modules to the latest versions, you will have to re-install the software manually using the instructions above. You do not need to un-install the old version first.